When you get to truly know yourself, your entire life starts to unfold with clarity, purpose, and meaning.

Do you know who you are? I help people move from stuck to stellar!

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Counselling Psychologist (PhD) | Self-Mastery Mentor | Speaker | Psychometrist | AI Ethics

Hi, I am glad you are here ...

My guess is, if you have landed here it means that your life is not exactly where you would have liked it to be. Maybe you feel stuck? Unhappy? Completely disconnected from yourself? Unsure about who you are, or what you want from life? No idea what your purpose is?

If you feel a connection with what you’ve just read, you’re exactly where you need to be. As a registered psychologist and qualified psychometrist, I help guide people toward a deeper understanding of themselves, helping them cultivate happier, more connected, and purpose-driven lives.

Life is a complex, ever-changing adventure, often filled with unexpected twists and turns that can leave us feeling lost, stuck, or disconnected from our true self. We also live in a world where we are increasingly more connected to others (i.e., smartphones and social media), but so disconnected from ourselves. If you are feeling unhappy or uncertain about your path in life, it is a sign that you have maybe gone astray from your true self. It is common to assume we can simply “think” our way out of this stuckness, but what we often need is a deeper turn inwards. I help others by being an external soundboard, someone who can ask those difficult questions, provide an alternative perspective, and reflect parts of yourself back to you.

I am not the expert on your life, neither is anyone else. You hold all the power to create a life that is full, authentic, and meaningful. All I need is a deep-rooted willingness to start.

If you’re ready to take the next step, reach out! Get in touch with me directly using the contact page below.  

Want to learn more about my approach, my qualifications, background, and how I work? Simply click the link below!

It is the moments of decision
that truly shape your life.


Therapy acts as your compass when you’ve gotten lost.

As a qualified Counselling Psychologist and Psychometrist, I help people, like you, defeat personal challenges that are preventing you from living your best life. This may include personal struggles with limiting beliefs, career dissatisfaction, emptiness, loneliness, interpersonal difficulties, perfectionism, body dissatisfaction, depression, anxiety, burnout, addictive behaviours, and/or interpersonal difficulties.

I believe that learning to become aware of your unconscious patterns, internalised beliefs, patterned behaviours, and views of the world, really empowers you to change what needs changing. It also helps you understand who you are, why you do the things you do, what shaped you, and how you can leverage this to become the person you really want to be.


If you do not know who you are, the world will tell you.

Do you have an unexplained restlessness in your core? A feeling that you were meant for more? Doing more? Do you feel like you are not fulfilling your dreams and full potential? Feeling lost and stuck in life? Do things feel a bit meaningless? Attained career and life success but you still feel unfulfilled?

Research has repeatedly shown that the biggest regret people have in life is not living a life that is true to them and not having taken action towards fulfilling their dreams. Your life does not have to become this statistic.

Through my self-discovery programme I help guide those who are lost to re-discover their true selves, take action, and overcome those psychological barriers that keep them stuck. In essence, I help you get out of your own way!

If you feel this is what you need, why not start the journey back towards yourself today?

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Human Connection

Cost of Approval: The Deeper Reasons Behind Your People-Pleasing

“When you say ‘yes’ to others, make sure you are not saying ‘no’ to yourself” — Paulo Coelho Lately, I have been reflecting deeply on the pervasive nature of people-pleasing. Time and time again, I hear clients say with frustration, “I hate that I’m such a people-pleaser!” It is an admission often

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Self Mastery

Feeling Lost? How To Gain Clarity Amidst Confusion

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To Be Seen: The Art And Risk Of Vulnerability

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Self Discovery

Brain Obsessed: When We Trade Science For Soul

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Self Discovery

How Internal Investment Reaps External Success

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Personal Development

Why Intellect Alone Won’t Get You Success

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